Why Celebrating Company Milestones is Important

Why Celebrating Company Milestones is Important Whether you’re cheering for the completion of a contract, recognizing a company anniversary, or taking a victory lap for a team goal, celebrating company milestones is important. It’s an opportunity to acknowledge contributions that make the achievement possible and reinforce the value and strength of teamwork. Celebrating a milestone means setting aside time to recognize your journey and look at how far you’ve come and who helped make your achievements possible. Here are more reasons to celebrate company milestones. 1. Acknowledge Individual Contributions. A milestone celebration is the perfect time to recognize individual contributions. Since employee recognition is a significant driver in retention and employee happiness, take the opportunity to celebrate each team member’s unique talents. Offering a bonus or gift is wonderful, but what’s most impactful is acknowledging specific, meaningful contributions from individuals on your team. How did each member contribute to the team’s success? This is the time to let the whole world know about it. 2. Generate Team Memories and Connections. Another key factor in employee retention is positive company culture. Taking time out of the workday to acknowledge the success of the team creates positive memories and connections between team members. It also reminds your team that they are greater than the sum of their parts. Additionally, a celebration offers an opportunity for an individual to learn more about how others’ work contributes to the project. It’s a great way for people to get to know one another better, too. 3. Reinforce the Team's Mission. Remembering your “why” is critically important when stress mounts, and deadlines loom, but it’s also important to hold onto the team’s mission and the team members’ individual roles in it when it comes time to lift a glass (or a fork) to celebrate. Reminding the team why what they do matters instills a sense of pride in their everyday work. 4. Offer an Emotional Reset. A celebration can also offer a moment to reset. It can provide closure to a project or participation in a particular group. This gives us permission to clear our slate and move forward with the feeling that we’re starting fresh. This can energize the team so they go into the next project focused and engaged. Help KCC Celebrate Our 13th Anniversary! Since 2012, our team at KCC has worked to help clients achieve goals, strengthen their leadership skills, and increase employee happiness. We consider every client's success a victory, and we’re honored for the continued opportunity to participate in your growth. Has KCC made a difference for you? Share your story! Maybe one of our blog posts reached you at just the right moment. Perhaps my book on happiness helped you find joy in a new way. One of our workshops or coaches may have brought your goals within reach. How have we helped you? Celebrate with us by sharing your story! Leave your comments below, and please join us for our virtual party on March 13th.

By |2025-02-25T16:44:05-04:00February 25th, 2025|Leadership Tips|Comments Off on Why Celebrating Company Milestones is Important

5 Steps to Set Goals You Can Achieve This Year

Happy New Year from Our Team at KCC! We hope this new year brings incredible success in both your work and personal lives. It’s a joy every time we help our clients achieve their goals, and we can’t wait to see what wonderful journeys we’ll be part of this year. 5 Steps to Set Goals You Can Achieve This Year Whether or not you’re a fan of setting New Year’s resolutions, the beginning of the year is a perfect time to revisit your goals and evaluate your direction and your progress. Are you happy in your current role at work? Do you have health issues you’ve been meaning to address but keep putting off? Setting goals sometimes feels daunting, especially if the goal involves significant changes. Thankfully, you can take specific steps to make achieving those goals more manageable and more likely. Here are 5 ways to set goals you can accomplish this year. 1. Be Specific and Intentional. Making vague plans for positive life changes is easy, but those loose ideas can leave us without momentum. Specifics and a meaningful outcome provide a motivating finish line. Getting started is much easier when you connect your goals to your “WHY” and know exactly how far you need to go. It also makes the goal more real and more personal. Here are some examples. Vague: Lose weight. Specific: Lose ten pounds by June first to get my health back on track. Vague: Get promoted. Specific: Advance to a level three engineer by September to feel more fulfilled at work. 2. Break It Down and Habit Stack. One mistake we sometimes make when goal-setting is not breaking a goal down into small steps. These bite-sized steps make even the most challenging goals more manageable. Instead of holding the whole project in your head, you can focus on one step at a time. I use a technique called habit stacking. For example, for my goal of getting super fit in 2025, one action step I implemented was to do counter push-ups and tricep dips every morning while my coffee brews. Much easier, right? 3. Write It Down and Keep It Visible and Trackable. Have you heard the expression, “out of sight, out of mind”? Don’t let your goals fall into that trap. Keep them in sight. Post a reminder on your bathroom mirror. Write it on your calendar. Set a reminder to pop up on your phone when you are most likely to need it. I recently started using an app called Structured to organize and track my daily and weekly action steps, and I love it! In a study by Dr. Gail Matthews at Dominican University in California, she found that participants were 42% more likely to achieve goals committed to writing. 4. Keep It Positive. When it comes to achieving goals, your self-talk is essential. It can feel overwhelming or discouraging if you miss a milestone, experience a slip-up, or encounter a setback. However, multiple studies have shown that guilt isn’t [...]

By |2025-01-08T17:36:24-04:00January 8th, 2025|Leadership Tips|Comments Off on 5 Steps to Set Goals You Can Achieve This Year

5 Ways to Boost Engagement at Work

5 Ways to Boost Engagement at Work One element the long-term success of any organization depends upon is employee engagement. A team invested in the work they do has a contagious energy that helps an organization build momentum. Boosting engagement also helps to boost employee satisfaction and retention, creating an upward spiral. Investing in your individual team members leads to benefits for the organization, which adds to the success and happiness of the team members, which adds to the organization’s success, and so on. Here are 5 ways to boost employee engagement on your team. 1. Recognize and Invest. Take a genuine, personal interest in the members of your team. What are their individual talents and goals? What do they do well? Recognize the value they bring to the team individually and to the group. When someone notices the hard work we’re doing, it helps to energize us to continue performing… tell them when you notice, and I will quote the famous book, The One Minute Manager, “catch them doing something right” on purpose! Additionally, invest in getting to know each member of the group. What excites them? How do they spend their free time? Cultivate respect for each person by getting to know them a little bit. 2. Solicit Feedback. What does the team think is going well? What obstacles make their work more challenging? Give your employees a chance to express concerns or issues and hear them out. Resist the urge to explain or defend. What action can you take to address the group's concerns? If something can’t be addressed in the way the team desires, be frank about that, too. Openness cultivates trust, another essential component of boosting employee engagement. 3. Communicate. Communicate. Communicate! Meet regularly to discuss what’s new, provide status updates, share success stories and talk about issues as they arise. This helps ensure that everyone stays focused on the same priorities, is informed of new information, and has an opportunity to ask questions or point out any challenges that have arisen. Communicate changes clearly and make sure your team gets the answers to the questions they have, even if it means you have to research answers first and respond later. Make sure you follow through with promises to provide further information. Failure to do so can make the team feel like their concerns are unimportant or that you’re unwilling to address concerns. Both can sap motivation. 4. Support Initiative. As the team builds working relationships with one another, you may notice certain members emerging as natural leaders. Make space for people to take on additional responsibilities or lead initiatives that make sense. This recognition and response to new ideas can foster a creative and positive work environment. This allows the group to run more effectively, boosting not just engagement but also outcomes. 5. Provide Professional Development Opportunities. Professional development is critical for any organization to stay ahead of shifting customer expectations and advancing technologies and solutions. Provide opportunities for your team members to earn [...]

By |2024-10-21T09:30:28-04:00October 21st, 2024|Leadership Tips|Comments Off on 5 Ways to Boost Engagement at Work

5 Critical Keys to Collaboration

5 Critical Keys to Collaboration Now more than ever, succeeding at work involves teamwork. The great news is that the right team generates results that far exceed what its individual members could achieve. An ineffective team, however, can slow down the group’s processes and innovation. Full team engagement comes from knowing their “why” and using their unique talents to contribute to the common goal. That’s why these 5 critical keys to collaboration are so important. These pillars of successful teamwork will help boost employees’ investment in the group and their confidence in their own work. They promote innovation and creative solutions that simplify workflow and improve performance. Read on to learn how these 5 keys to collaboration contribute to effective teams. 1. Time Management. Collaboration doesn’t always require a lot of face time. Once the team establishes clear goals and tasks, each member needs focused time to work on their tasks. Make sure that the ratio of time spent as a group to time spent individually working best suits the needs of the group and doesn’t distract from getting the work accomplished. Can you guess the most common complaint that we hear when we give our time-management session? Too many meetings! 2. Communication. Communication is a make-or-break component of any team project or collaboration. To boost successful communication, give some thought to how the team will communicate. How will members share issues or ask questions? Is this best done via chat? Emails? Holding questions until a set meeting time each day or week? Establish the preferred communication methods for each type of situation and evaluate whether this works for everyone after a few weeks. 3. Innovation. In the best collaborative teams, the sum far exceeds the abilities of the parts. How does this happen? One key to successful collaboration is to encourage innovation through brainstorming, engaging new ideas, and supporting out-of-the-box thinking. Even ideas that are not themselves feasible solutions can be useful because they tend to trigger other, potentially more useful ideas. Ensure that the group remains a safe place to brainstorm new ideas. 4. Celebrate Team Successes. As the team develops new ideas, builds useful tools, and adopts new processes, find ways to celebrate each of these successes. Call out team members whose ideas have solved problems or moved a project forward. Acknowledge those who went above and beyond to ensure that deadlines were met. Thank team members whose diligent work keeps the project on track. Celebrating these successes reminds the team of their power and effectiveness as a group and reminds each team member of their value to the group. 5. Collect Feedback. Ask your team for feedback on what practices best support their collaborative efforts and what can be improved. Having a say in how the team operates will boost its efficiency by allowing adjustments that directly aid its members, but it also generates deeper investment in the team. Build Your Own High-performing Team Join us for a training session that will show you how to [...]

By |2024-09-23T19:29:33-04:00September 23rd, 2024|Leadership Tips|Comments Off on 5 Critical Keys to Collaboration

5 Ways to Boost Client Satisfaction

5 Ways to Boost Client Satisfaction No matter the industry, creating happy clients or customers is critical to a business’s success. A satisfied client is more likely to return with future needs, and they may also leave favorable reviews or share the positive experience with other potential clients. In other words, a happy customer can become your best ambassador (the same idea applies to happy employees, by the way)! Cultivating practices that create happy customers is a powerful investment in your success. Here are 5 ways to boost client satisfaction and build trust and loyalty with your clients, keeping them coming back for more. 1. Communicate Clearly. Manage your clients’ expectations by ensuring they understand precisely how your products or services operate and what to do if they experience issues or questions. This is especially critical for any new clients. Make sure you are extra clear and responsive so that their first impression and first experience is a positive one. Additionally, clear communication means discerning your clients’ needs. As the saying goes, seek first to understand and then to be understood. Sometimes, we need to differentiate a client’s needs, wants, desires, and expectations. Take the time to ask questions and never assume anything. Correctly assessing your customers’ needs allows you to propose the best solution for them. 2. Be Consistent and use an “ACE”. Another component of the customer experience depends on how consistently you deliver results. Can your clients expect a response to inquiries within a predictable timeframe? Do you consistently deliver products or services that meet their needs or, even better, surpass them? We love the ACE concept: aim for Above Customer Expectations…an element of positive surprise could help develop the feeling that they are special and unique. 3. Be Responsive. Clients need to feel seen and heard. Whether they’re reaching out with an issue or a compliment, it’s important to respond promptly. Keep responses professional and courteous, and avoid using canned or generic text. If you can, adapt and personalize your methods of communication to their preferences, especially if you strive to offer a high-end experience. 4. Anticipate Needs and show initiative. Think of a holiday display in a grocery store or pharmacy. When you walk into the store at the beginning of February, you’ll find an eye-catching display of Valentine’s Day cards, boxes of chocolate, and stuffed bears. The store has anticipated a need and created an easy-to-find selection of popular products that someone might purchase together. Creating a “Frequently Asked Questions” page on your website is another way to anticipate clients’ needs. This page collects common inquiries in one place so clients can quickly and easily find the answers they need. 5. Value Feedback. We live in an imperfect world, and nothing reminds us of that, like our mistakes and those who take note of them. When a customer has a less-than-perfect experience, listening to their feedback is essential. Thank them for their comments. If possible, ask how the client would prefer the situation be [...]

By |2024-07-23T09:49:29-04:00July 23rd, 2024|Leadership Tips|Comments Off on 5 Ways to Boost Client Satisfaction

Making Decisions with the Six Hat Method

Making Decisions Using the Six Hats Method Most of our decisions are made quickly and unconsciously. Once a decision is made, we often engage our analytical brain to search for data that supports our choice, creating the illusion of a rational decision-making process. Making sound decisions can be challenging and even stressful. Therefore, it's beneficial to learn new decision-making techniques rather than relying on old patterns and habits. One excellent tool for decision-making and problem-solving is the Six Thinking Hats created by Edward de Bono. The Six Hats method encourages parallel thinking and communication in a group. This reduces conflict by keeping the team focused on one aspect of a situation or problem at a time. Each “hat” represents a different style of thinking. Moving methodically through each different style leads us to consider a problem from multiple angles and fosters more balanced, comprehensive decision-making. Here’s how to use the Six Hats to separate your thoughts into distinct categories. 1. White Hat (Information) Put on the White Hat to tackle a decision through objective thinking and focus on the facts, data, and information. While your team looks at a decision with the White Hat approach, avoid the temptation to interpret data or include opinions. Ask your team to examine questions like, what information is available? What are the facts? What do we need to know? 2. Red Hat (Emotions) Put on the Red Hat and listen to your emotions as you think through a problem. Channel your inner Obi-Wan Kenobi and trust your feelings. What does your gut say? What emotions come up as you think about the decision you face? How do you feel about the options? 3. Black Hat (Critical Thinking) Put on the Black Hat and explore the potential problems that may arise with the decision your team faces. What might go wrong? What are the risks? Make critical judgments. Where might the proverbial wheels come off? Why might the potential solutions to your problem not work? 4. Yellow Hat (Optimism) Put on the Yellow Hat and think positively. Look for the benefits and opportunities each outcome may bring. List the reasons this idea is worth pursuing. What good outcomes can we achieve? How can these choices benefit the group or organization? 5. Green Hat (Creativity) Put on the Green Hat and get your creative juices flowing. Brainstorm potential solutions. Think outside the box. When your team wears the Green Hat, no idea is a bad idea. You never know what will spark a great solution or alternative course of action. 6. Blue Hat (Process) Put on the Blue Hat to organize your thinking. Use the Blue Hat to step back and look at the process as a whole. This is the time to set goals for your team and summarize outcomes. Ask questions like, what is the next step? How can we organize our thinking? Learn How to Make Great Decisions Making complex decisions is one of life’s toughest tasks. The great news is that there [...]

By |2024-06-18T11:26:24-04:00June 18th, 2024|Leadership Tips|Comments Off on Making Decisions with the Six Hat Method

4 Steps to Introduce Change Successfully

4 Steps to Introduce Change Successfully Introducing change successfully doesn’t happen by accident. Gartner, a research and advisory group, estimates that only about 34 percent of change is successfully implemented, with an additional 16 percent reporting mixed results. Those aren’t the best odds. Using a little organization and some other vital strategies will boost your likelihood of being among the 34 percent who report success with implementing changes on their team. Here are 4 steps to introduce change successfully. 1. Acknowledge the Need for Change. The first step in introducing a change is understanding why it is necessary. What issue will a change improve? What happens if the problem remains unaddressed? Most importantly, how does the change impact the individuals on your team? Remember, people will always want to know the “WIIFM”… What’s In It For Me? Many people find themselves intimidated by big changes. Change is risk; it feels unpredictable. Giving up the comfort of a routine can be hard. Understanding the need for change helps you communicate to your team why the new idea is positive. If your team has a clear vision of how a new practice will benefit them, they will be more likely to support it. Gaining that support is a critical component that will determine whether your change is successful. 2. Create a Plan with Your Team. Once your team clearly understands the reason for the change, it’s time to craft a plan. What are you asking your team to do differently? How will they accomplish these new tasks? If support and/or training is necessary, when and how will that take place? Map out a process for implementing the new procedure with them. If you involve them in the planning, it becomes “our change” instead of “your change”. Together, consider the team’s overall calendar as you decide when the change will occur. For example, it may make more sense to postpone a change for a short time if key team members will be out of the office on vacation or are nearing a critical deadline. 3. Implement the Change. Even when we do our best to anticipate all the possible outcomes, new processes can cause unexpected ripples impacting our team or customers in surprising ways. As you introduce the change, ensure you are available to answer questions or address unexpected effects of the new procedure. Check in regularly with your team members to see what’s working and address any concerns or questions they may have. 4. Evaluate the Results of the Change. Sometimes, change has quantifiable results with numbers that tell the story of its success or challenges. At other times, you’ll have to gather information from your team and customers about how the new process impacts them and addresses the issues that prompted the change. Consider your criteria for success. What was your highest priority outcome? Did the change make it possible to achieve that outcome? What has improved as a result of this change? If not, what new information have you learned [...]

By |2024-03-27T17:02:00-04:00March 27th, 2024|Leadership Tips|Comments Off on 4 Steps to Introduce Change Successfully

’Tis the Season for Employee Recognition and Appreciation

’Tis the Season for Employee Recognition and Appreciation As we near the year's end, we reflect on its many highs and lows. The year may have brought unexpected hardships and losses along with successes and victories to celebrate. As we process and reflect, it’s important to remember the team who navigated the ups and downs of life this year and share with them the meaningful ways they contributed to helping us maneuver around setbacks and achieve our goals this year and to take a few moments to offer employee recognition and appreciation. The fact is, in our post-pandemic world, a little encouragement can go a long way. Forbes recently published an article detailing how employee recognition elevates employee loyalty (which, incidentally, has a significant impact on creating customer loyalty and business growth). It also creates a sense of purpose and belonging—knowing our work matters makes us feel like an essential part of a team. Here are 4 tips for recognition to keep in mind. 1. Acknowledge Challenges This may have been a challenging year, from economic changes to staffing issues, but your team has navigated these waters together. It’s okay to acknowledge that there were rough patches and thank them for staying the course and leaning in to help the team reach the other side. No matter what your team faced this year, you met it together, and now you stand on the other side, looking back at the year together. Acknowledging that you asked team members to go above and beyond or saw them handle unexpected challenges shows that those contributions matter and serve an essential purpose. 2. Recognize Individual Contributions Take some time (put it on your calendar if need be) to think over your team’s performance this past year. Are there instances when a team member’s new idea increased efficacy or workflow? Who went above and beyond when deadlines loomed? Is there someone who stepped up when challenges arose? Offering team members a Christmas bonus or raise is a wonderful way to show appreciation, but if you don’t have the resources to do this, offering employee recognition and appreciation is another powerful way to let your team know you appreciate them. You might write and hand out individual holiday cards or make a point to speak to your team, sharing with them examples of how their contribution to the team positively impacted the company and met a need you had. Make sure your feedback is specific and inclusive. 3. Celebrate Successes Take advantage of the holiday season to create a celebration of your own. Take time to celebrate your team’s successes this year. This doesn’t have to be a huge event, just something celebratory and above the ordinary. It can be as simple as calling a team meeting and providing donuts and coffee for everyone. At the same time, you take the opportunity to recap the team’s high notes and successes or as fancy as a catered lunch or party at a lovely venue. Any of these [...]

By |2024-01-08T10:46:32-04:00December 18th, 2023|Leadership Tips|Comments Off on ’Tis the Season for Employee Recognition and Appreciation

4 Ways to Create a Collaborative Team Culture

4 Ways to Create a Collaborative Team Culture Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than the one where they sprang up.” It’s one of the best serendipitous qualities of a collaborative group. What began as an ordinary or half-impossible idea can round a brainstorming circle and become a genius solution in the hands of a collaborative team. Creating a collaborative team may take a little effort, but the rewards the team receives are more than worth the investment. Here are 4 ways to create a collaborative team culture. 1. Encourage Open-mindedness and Respect The first rule of creating a collaborative team is that the team must be a safe place to speak up. If team members can’t openly share their ideas, even the bad ones, they’ll withdraw from the discussion. Not only will you miss out on valuable input (even a bad idea can spark a trail of ideas that lead to a good one), but you’ll also miss out on something even more critical: engagement from your team members. Set the expectation of respect and make team meetings a safe space for new ideas. Set an example in the way you relate to the group. If someone shares an opinion that won’t work, thank them for their contribution. If you see team members speak down to one another, redirect the conversation, take the person aside privately, and encourage them to work on their open-mindedness. 2. Focus on Meaningful Priorities People can only focus on a few goals at a time, so limit the team’s focus to three or fewer specific goals at a time. Decide on a few inspiring and meaningful goals as a team. Make sure every team member understands how they can contribute and how achieving these goals impacts/benefits them. Set in motion an action plan and start tracking the team’s progress. 3. Get Everyone Involved in Problem-Solving Give your team a chance to build rapport with one another by involving them in team problem-solving tasks. This allows them to listen to each other and brainstorm together. It also helps get buy-in and builds engagement in the solutions the team devises. Ideally, don’t try to rush things. Whenever possible, let the discussion proceed until a consensus is reached. This can take time, but it allows everyone the chance to be heard. It will enable people to disagree and change course or forge meaningful compromises, which generates buy-in, a must-have in creating a collaborative team. 4. Invest in Your Team’s Development A team that advances in skills, advances their goals, and finds greater success. How will coaching or training add value to your team as a whole? How do development skills benefit individual team members? Investing in your team’s growth, both personally and as a whole, shows your team you care about their career growth. Providing that support can help reduce attrition and boost team members’ motivation at work. Get the Best from Your Employees Are you getting the most [...]

By |2023-10-30T10:49:29-04:00October 30th, 2023|Leadership Tips|Comments Off on 4 Ways to Create a Collaborative Team Culture

3 Steps to Use the Pygmalion Effect for Performance

3 Steps to Use the Pygmalion Effect for Performance Employee productivity depends on effective performance management. The best managers use a combination of strategies to draw upon the full potential of their team and get consistent top-performing results. How do they do this? One powerful tool great leaders use to optimize performance is motivation. The Pygmalion effect explains how and why setting high expectations for employees yields excellent results. Here’s how to use the Pygmalion effect to optimize performance among your employees in 3 steps. What is the Pygmalion effect? The principle is simple. People tend to perform to our expectations, like a self-fulfilling prophecy. When we have high expectations, they perform better. When we have low expectations of people, they often perform below their capability. 1. Define Your Expectations Take a moment and think about each member of your team. Think about each person and your performance expectations. Do you think this person is capable of learning new tasks easily? Can they complete more than the tasks they’re given now? Do you have low or high expectations for this person? How well do you think they’re aware of your expectations? As you evaluate your expectations, also consider whether they’re realistic. Having high expectations of your employees only works when those expectations are achievable. If you set your expectations too high, the team may give up before they’ve even had a chance of success because they feel the target is impossible to reach. In summary, when you set expectations, think positively, but don’t depend on the power of positive thinking. 2. Boost Communication and Positive Feedback How do you communicate your expectations to your team? In life and work, communication determines so many outcomes. Remember that communication isn’t only the words you say. Sometimes, what’s unsaid speaks much more loudly. For example, when a manager is distant and uncommunicative, their team often assumes they are uninterested and have low expectations of their team. The fix is simple. When you see your team doing a good job, notice it and tell them. Don’t assume your appreciation is apparent. Make sure you’ve communicated it to your team. 3. Lead with Self-Confidence and Develop Yourself One of the critical factors that determines how successful employees are is the confidence level of their management. Do you believe you can coach and support your team? Do you believe in your abilities as their leader to achieve high performance? Are you using your full potential and investing in your own development? If not, what’s holding you back? Identify the barriers and find ways to remove them. Do you need more support from a coach or mentor? Ask for the help you need. It might be as simple as that. Are you lacking in a particular area of expertise? Find a way to get the training that will help you round out your leadership abilities and boost your confidence in yourself. Get the Best from Your Employees Are you getting the most from your team? Learn key [...]

By |2023-11-24T19:14:34-04:00September 11th, 2023|Leadership Tips|Comments Off on 3 Steps to Use the Pygmalion Effect for Performance
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