DISC (What’s Your Color?) – Fitness Report


  • Test time is about 10 minutes

This assessment is designed for those in sales and marketing where success in working with people is so important. It will help them interact and lead others based on understanding how each person is motivated.


It measures the individual’s personality traits combined with their fitness approach and goals.

The report includes:

  • An overview of DISC
  • 4 steps to fitness
  • A description of your personality
  • Your strengths
  • How to be your best
  • Health tips
  • Exercise tips
  • An entire section with a fitness guide that is based on your personality style
  • Your detailed personality graphs

Additional information

Units Packages

1-9 units, 10-49 units, 1000+ units, 250-499 units, 50-249 units, 500-999 units

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