DISC (What’s Your Color?) – Sales Report


  • Test time is about 10 minutes

This assessment is designed for those in sales and marketing where success in working with people is so important. It will help them interact and lead others based on understanding how each person is motivated.


It will help you interact and lead others based on understanding how each person is motivated.

  • Describes an individual’s natural behavioral style and preferences
  • Can identify strengths, potential not being leveraged, and opportunities for improvement.
  • Includes: communication style, priority and decision style, motivational style, insights for professional growth.
  • Shows sales and marketing people step-by-step, exactly what to do – and stop doing – to unleash their potential and dramatically enhance personal effectiveness.
  • Provides detailed information and helpful advice tailored to help present and lead with better results in a sales environment.

Additional information

Units Packages

1-9 units, 10-49 units, 1000+ units, 250-499 units, 50-249 units, 500-999 units

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