3 Big Benefits of Ongoing Training

3 Big Benefits of Ongoing Training In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving job market, ongoing training isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity. As industries transform and technology advances, the once cutting-edge skills can quickly become obsolete. Investing in regular professional development can unlock new opportunities, boost performance, and ensure that both individuals and businesses remain competitive in a rapidly changing world. As kids head back to school, take a moment to think about how returning to the classroom (literally or figuratively) would benefit you and your team. Ongoing training provides much more than critical opportunities for career advancement. It offers a path to increasing your team’s productivity and boosting employee retention. Continued development for your employees also enhances the organization’s reputation. Let’s take a closer look at how this works. 1. Increased Productivity. Learning new skills allows your team to streamline workflow using new tools. From improving technology to optimizing processes to increasing customer satisfaction and retention, training offers a multitude of benefits to an organization. Training also improves accuracy, and efficiency and boosts confidence. There’s no replacement for the satisfaction that comes from doing a job well. 2. Improved Employee Retention. Not only does continued training help your team members do their jobs more efficiently, but it also improves engagement. Training is an investment. It sends a signal to employees that you value them and want them to succeed in their careers. In many cases, it also provides opportunities for advancement or job enrichment within the organization. Though continued training takes time away from the daily tasks employees must manage, improving employee retention means you spend more time boosting your existing team’s productivity and less time bringing brand-new employees up to speed on performing basic tasks. 3. Enhanced Company Reputation. Another big benefit of ongoing training is that it enhances your company’s reputation. In this competitive economy, finding something that sets your organization apart from others can be the difference between success and failure. Continued education is a great way to differentiate your team from others in the field, as it shows dedication to excellence and investment in a positive customer experience. A better reputation also benefits the organization in the job market. When it comes time to add a new team member to the group, having a great reputation in your industry will help attract high-quality candidates who recognize the organization’s value for its employees. Get Back to School Now is the perfect time to invest in continuing education for you and your team. Start a wish list of training topics your team would benefit from and commit to a budget for continued training. Need help getting your list started? Check out our 30 interactive sessions, based on scientifically proven methods and led by industry experts. Have questions about our topics? Contact us today for further information on how we can help you and your team work smarter, not harder.

By |2024-08-19T16:10:18-04:00August 19th, 2024|Leadership Tips|Comments Off on 3 Big Benefits of Ongoing Training

4 Keys to Boost Employee Motivation

4 Keys to Boost Employee Motivation In the engine of business, motivation is the accelerator. It determines the energy with which your team tackles assigned tasks and their enthusiasm about generating solutions to obstacles that may arise during a project. If you want your team to approach their work with a high level of energy and excitement, then crafting a team culture where positive motivation thrives will be critical to achieving that goal. Motivation is also a critical factor in employee retention. Team members who feel unappreciated, frustrated or like their work doesn’t matter often leave their job in favor of a new opportunity. In fact, a recent survey by McKinsey reported that the top two reasons employees leave a job are that they don’t feel valued by their manager or the company or don’t feel a sense of belonging at work. Finding ways to positively motivate your team can improve retention as well as energizing the group to complete work and succeed. Here are four key strategies to boost employee motivation. 1. Communicate Goals and Priorities Clearly If your team doesn’t understand and buy in to the goals or which tasks have priority, it’s much harder for them to do their jobs well and have confidence about their work. Explaining what you want them to do and why it’s important or how it serves the goals of the company or team helps them understand their role in the process. It also helps them understand the importance of the work they perform and makes them feel valued. Make sure your team is notified when priorities change. Finding out that they’ve continued working on a project that was delayed rather than switching to a higher priority task generates frustration. Keeping your team informed as priorities change lets them know you value their time and effort. 2. Offer Flexibility Where You Can Giving your employees freedom to make decisions about their work offers them autonomy and respect. For example, if an employee is frustrated about a procedure or struggling to complete a task, ask for their input. What could they do differently that would make this task easier to complete? If there are ways to accommodate their ideas, do so. If not, try to find a satisfactory compromise. As often as possible, let employees have input on how a task is accomplished. If you have team members who struggle to be alert first thing in the morning, try having at least some of your team meetings later in the morning or in the afternoons. Prioritizing your team’s needs and making room for their creative problem-solving shows you value your team members and have confidence in their ability to achieve their goals. It gives them ownership of their work and instills a sense of pride in their role in the team. 3. Recognize a Job Well Done This sounds easy, and it is! Also, it really works. Make an effort to call out the things your team members do well. Notice their effort [...]

By |2023-03-24T12:02:51-04:00August 23rd, 2022|Leadership Tips|Comments Off on 4 Keys to Boost Employee Motivation
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